Sunday, November 15, 2009

Beth Anderson

I Wish I Was Single Again

Ocean Motion Mildew Mind

Torero Piece

Yes Sir Ree

Beth Anderson is a composer of neo-romantic, avante garde music, text sound works and musical theater. Born in Kentucky she went on to study with John Cage, Terry Riley, Robert Ashley, and Larry Austin at Mills College and U.C. Davis. She has composed and produced an opera, an oratorio, three off-off Broadway musicals, several downtown music theater collaborations, music for orchestra, voice, chorus, tape, instrumental solos with and without electronic modulation, and a large amount of chamber music. The extent of her accomplishments is incredibly extensive - to learn more about them or hear more of her work you can go to ubuweb or her website. I found out about Beth Anderson from the ubuweb podcast that has is always awesome but has a particularly great audio show on Women Of The Avant Garde.

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