Monday, January 3, 2011

Jigsaw Underground

I just recently figured out that Tobi Vail's old zine Jigsaw is now a blog. Yes, I should have known this sooner but I'm making up for my late arrival by pouring over every old post for hours. For those of you who don't know that's Tobi Vail of Bikini Kill fame. And she's done a million other amazing things which you can learn about here. When I think of her I think of that line in that Tuxedomoon song that's like "I would love to be a pillar of strength in my community". Tobi is a pillar of strength and I would love to be more like her.

Anyhow, her blog is a pretty amazing way to find out about what women are currently rocking in the music scene. Its really thorough and varied and also had my music snob boyfriend looking over my shoulder being like "hey what is this, this is good shit". I especially was feeling moved by her one post called "What Does It All Mean" which talks about so many things I've been thinking about lately. Like what the fuck, Moe Tucker is a teapartyer - what does this mean??? Or as Tobi says "the VU style floor tom/bass drum pounding beat is no longer the sound of the revolution to my ears." Then she goes on to mention how since"that whole preppy/African trend happened in indie rock, the question is no longer "is this band radical or complacent" in my mind, but "could this band actually be made up of right wing, racist republicans"? " And of course there is the subsequent shit where you find yourself wondering if the band you're listening to even votes and missing "the anarchists and socialists of my youth" . It reminded me of being at a party recently and trying to communicate this same feeling but for some reason just going "these kids don't even believe in anything" over and over again. So anyhow, I've found great inspiration in her blog and I'm going to be an avid devotee from now on!

Here is a selection of awesome gals rocking out that I found on her blog.

Dolly Mixture

Dum Dum Girls


U.S. Girls

Rye Rye featuring M.I.A

Zaimph (Marcia Bassett)

Grass Window

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