Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hammond Song by The Roches


  1. I LOVE the Roches! True originals! Great voices, clever songs - some amazing lyics. Every woman should listen to "Losing True." I highly recommend their first three albums. If you can find it, Maggie and Terre Roche's SEDUCTIVE REASONING (the first-ever Roches recording of Maggie's genius compositions) is perfect. Out-of-print, but copies (expensive!)can be found."Willard's Wormholes" website has a great write-up of the album, and the song "Malachy's" is there to sample.

  2. Thanks Love for writing about the Roches...I sometimes get a tear in my eye listening to them. Still know every word to many of the songs.They play yearly in the art center in East Meredith NY (across the street from Cindy). One of these years I will make it there to hear them. I remember seeing them at Toad's Place in New Haven when I was very pregnant with you!
