Monday, February 2, 2009

All the cool kids are doing it.....

This is a mini public service announcement. A really good way that I found to stay up on issues and be aware of how you can help is to go right here.... . This is the website of the YWCA. They have a great legislative action center section where you can read about current legislation. You can even put in your zip code and find out who all your local and state officials are as well as how they voted on what senate or house votes. There's a little green check that shows if they're supporting women in their decisions. You can also send emails to them or find their number and a brief write up of what to say if you want to call your senator or representative and tell them how you hope they'll vote.
If you don't want to get that involved you can still sign up for email updates and you'll be able to stay up on what actions are being voted on and how that affects your life.

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