Saturday, December 18, 2010

Punk rock girl give me a chance Punk rock girl let's go slamdance

Ok, so when I was doing the different decades I totally skipped over the 80s. But I'm back to it now! First to start; here are the 60s, the 70s, and the 90s. But now the 80s- with a punk twist.

This band, 45 Grave, was a Los Angeles punk band from 1979 to 1985. Their singer Dinah Cancer revived the band years later with different musicians. 45 Grave was one of the first punk bands to use horror themed lyrics making them early innovators of the goth rock genre and also more specifically forerunners of the horror-punk and deathrock sub-genres. Dinah also went on to be in a band called Penis Flytrap which is one of the funniest band names of all time. This video, below, of 45 Grave is from 1984.

Before performing in 45 Grave Dinah Cancer still went by Mary Simms and was in an all female punk band called Castration Squad that was formed by Alice Bag of The Bags. Watch them do their thing circa 1980.

Continuing the performance vibe here is a video by Johanna Went who is mainly a performance artist now but who got her start in the punk scene. This video was made at UCLA in 1982.

Oh but wait! Here's more Alice Bag performing with The Alice Bag Band in 1979.

I'm not sure enough people know what an absolute pillar of amazingness Annabella Lwin is. At 14 she was spotted singing at the laundromat she worked in by Malcolm Mclaren. He immediatly recruited her to be the lead singer of Bow Wow Wow. Of course she was kicked out of the band at 17 but she went on to make her own music and be one of the coolest hottest Buddhists out there.

Sometimes the ladies prefer to play the instruments as with The Cramps. Here Poison Ivy on lead guitar and Candy del Mar on bass back of Lux Interiors vocals.

Also of course there's Dianne Chai of The Alley Cats who does both bass and vocals. And how do I get my hair to look that good?

You probably know Romeo Void better for this song. But I'm way more into this video for "Say No". Deborah Iyal fronted this one with style and power. And yea, I know they're more New Wave then punk but whatever get off my back!

Also kind of in the New Wave camp but definitely weird enough to be punk was the band Missing Persons. Interesting fact to note is that all the major band members met because they knew Frank Zappa. Cool huh! Also lead singer Dale Bozzio totally had Lady Gaga beat on everything by like two decades. Doing drag of your own gender is so where its at.

And now back to the punk. Here's the queen of the scene, Exene Cervenka with X. My two favorite facts about Exene are that A. The book Dances With Wolves is dedicated to her and B. She has a kid with Viggo Mortensen. Hello, thats hot! And of course she's really badass and makes amazing music.
Here she is getting the kids all riled up!

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