Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lee Krasner

"I was not in a position to say I will not continue painting or I will continue painting...I am preoccupied with trying to know myself in order to communicate with others. Painting is not separate from life. It is one. It is like asking - do you want to live? My answer is yes- and I paint."

"I happen to be Mrs. Jackson Pollock and that's a mouthful. The only thing I haven't had against me was being black. I was a woman, Jewish, a widow, a damn good painter, thank you, and a little too independent."

"Survivor. Yes, I think thats what counts in the end. But I didn't need The Feminine Mystique to get me off the ground... Let me say the women's revolution is the only real revolution of our time."

"When I am painting, and this is a heroic task, the question of male or female is irrelevant. Naturally I am a woman. I do not conceive of painting in a fragmented sense."


K. Rucker said...

Lovely. As well as her husband Pollock, Lee matured and evolved as an artist. Her grasp of the unconscious subject was impeccable for a woman of her time. Her work evokes a sense of strength, no wonder, being such a supportive anchor for Pollock.

glennhardy said...

Wow...Thank you for this blog! A fine and very representative selection of Lee Krasner's work and words. A great artist.

Aldie ladie said...

I now have a favorite artist: Lee Krasner! I find almost all of her paintings (the ones that do not look like Pollack's) so beautiful, vivid, and gorgeous. I would love to hang many, many of them all on my walls.

Madawg said...

thanks for your efforts of showing Krasner's work. I agree that her best works are the paintings that aren't derivitive of Pollack's.

Anonymous said...

who says Pollack's are not derivative of Krasner's?????????? eh! besides...she is ENTIRELY unique.

Unknown said...

Çok etkileyici. Çok iyi bir sanatçı.

Brianna S said...

I admire her dedication to self-discovery and artistic expression.